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Decorations for Funerals, Grief & Mourning

Funeral Bunting 

Purple and black funeral decorations hold symbolic meaning. The black ribbon symbolizes the mourning of a fireman or officer that passed away. Purple represents the protection enforcement provides its citizens and communities. A fire department or police logo sometimes appears in the center section of the decorations. 


There are many symbolic ways to show your respect for our fallen heroes. Independence Bunting provides the most cost-effective and long-lasting memorial service decorations. These include pleated fans, bows, pull-down banners and bunting fabric. 

Pleated Fans

Most people recognize a pleated fan with stars and stripes for Independence Day or Memorial Day decorations. A purple and black pleated fan honors the passing of officers or firefighters. The pleated design looks good anywhere. Friends and family tie them on porches, fences, windows and stair railings to show their respect for fallen loved ones. 


At a law enforcement funeral, a pleated fan often adorns the podium. Mourners may pass a foyer table decorated with a pleated fan. Sometimes the decorations appear on church pews or aisle walkways.


Purple and black bows can add a special touch to lampposts, mailboxes, fences and porches. Their size and long pull ties make them easy to add to flowers, gift baskets or wreaths. Bows also add a meaningful decoration when tied to church pews or aisle walkways at funeral services. 

Pull-Down Banners

Police stations, fire stations and homes of loved ones are often decorated with pull-down banners. You can arrange these decorations on staircase railings, columns, ceilings and windows. Putting a banner on a porch or patio also shows neighbors you mourn a fallen hero. 

Bunting Fabric

Fire stations, police stations, town halls and churches often decorate building exteriors with mourning bunting. You can hang these funeral bunting fabrics on porch railings or fences in other outdoor settings. Those honoring fallen officers and firefighters traditionally arrange mourning fabrics over doorways and signs.  


Firefighter trucks often display mourning fabrics at funeral processions. Bunting fabric adorns tables in the foyers of services. At a law enforcement funeral, draping a mourning fabric over a casket honors the life served. It’s important that you use high-quality fabrics for your memorial services, which is why you should work with us at Independence Bunting. 

Why Choose Independence Bunting?

Independence Bunting leads as the top choice for funeral bunting and decorations for many reasons: 

Show Your Respect With Independence Bunting

Honor law enforcement officers and firefighters with Independence Bunting. Browse our mourning collection of purple and black funeral decorations today. If you need to put together a memorial service and don’t know where to get the proper decorations, then look no further than Independence Bunting.  

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