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Halloween Safety Tips & Party Ideas

Sep 16th 2021

Halloween Safety Tips & Party Ideas

Across the country, summer has come and gone, and autumn is in full swing. The days are shorter, leaves are falling, and there’s a nip in the air. Halloween will soon be upon us, and here at Independence Bunting, we can help make your party or other event one you’ll never forget. Our Halloween bunting and Halloween bows are perfect for sending a chill down your guests’ spines, be they kids or adults.

Both are made with alternating orange and black stripes, in your choice of either a three or five-stripe design. Also, like all of our fine products, they’re made to our high standards right here in the USA, so you know you’ll be getting your money’s worth. We encourage you to browse these items on our site and order the ones you like.

Safety First

Every October 31st, tens of millions of children and teens take to the sidewalks of their neighborhood in search of treats. Halloween is one of the most popular and beloved of our holidays. Therefore, following some common sense precautions can help to prevent accidents and injuries and ensure that everyone has a great time.

1. Costumes should be made from fire-retardant materials. This is because candles and Jack –O-Lanterns are widely used for Halloween, and both contain open flames.

2. Reflective tape should be placed on costumes as well, so that motorists can see trick-or-treaters without difficulty.

3. Consider using makeup instead of a mask. This will allow a greater field of vision while walking about. Also, masks can be uncomfortably hot.

4. Small children should always be accompanied by adults. Older children should trick-or-treat together in groups of five or more, to discourage potential assailants. Having a teen or young adult go along with them makes sense as well.

5. The route the group will follow should be decided on beforehand and mapped out. A cell phone should be carried.

6. For younger kids, it’s best to trick-or-treat during daylight hours. If it does turn dark, then make certain to carry a flashlight and stick to well-known areas. Stick to sidewalks, not streets.

7. Don’t trick-or-treat at homes where the exterior light isn’t on. This is usually a sign that the residents don’t wish to participate, and their decision should be respected.

8. Never, ever accept rides from strangers and be wary if approached by anyone you don’t know.

9. Both kids and adults should only cross streets at corners, never between parked vehicles. Obey DO NOT WALK signs and all traffic lights.

10. Walk, don’t run.

11. Look in every direction before crossing a street. Don’t use alleys, parks, or back yards.

12. Parents should inspect all treats before they’re consumed. Homemade treats should not be eaten, unless they are served at a party or if the person who prepared them is well known and trusted in the community.

13. To help them resist the urge to eat unexamined treats, children should have a snack or light meal before they go trick-or-treating.

Some Fun Ideas for Halloween Parties

Parties are often held for children after trick-or-treating. Having fun decorations, like Halloween bunting, and activities for them to engage in adds to the fun of the evening. Here are some tips:

1. Put a spooky spin on traditional games. For example, “pin the tail on the donkey” can become “pin the tail on the wolf man,” or bobbing for apples can be done with the fruit floating in red punch instead of water, for a ghoulish twist.

2. It’s fine to tell ghostly stories, but be aware that some kids might become frightened. So keep the emphasis on fun, not fear. That way everyone can have a good time.

3. Make sure that each parent has the phone number and address of the residence where the event will be held. Also, let them know when the party will be over, and be sure that transportation arrangements are worked out beforehand.

We at Independence Bunting hope you have a fantastic Halloween this year, and please keep us in mind for all of your  Halloween bows and bunting, as well as patriotic and other decoration needs. Be safe.