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The Dos and Don’ts of Decorating With American Flags

The Dos and Don’ts of Decorating With American Flags

Jul 17th 2024

As a revered symbol of the United States of America and its history, the American flag holds great significance, and you should always display it with the utmost respect. Whether you’re preparing for a holiday celebration like Independence Day or simply want to showcase your patriotism year-round, here are some of the dos and don’ts of American flag decorating that you should know.

American Flag Dos

While you’ll see a lot of American flags out and about this summer, decorating with them isn’t something you can just do on a whim. It’s something that takes planning and care because these flags are important symbols for America. There are numerous rules and codes that you should be aware of so you can rest easy knowing your display is aesthetic, patriotic, and respectful.

Display Outdoors in Good Weather Conditions

A major decorating rule to follow when it comes to the American flag is that you should display it outdoors only in good weather conditions. A big part of being a responsible flag owner is not exposing it to weather conditions that can significantly damage it, such as:

  • Rain
  • Snow
  • High winds

Heavy rains can soak the fabric, leading to mildew and discolorations, while high winds can tear the flag and fray the edges. If you’re getting ready to decorate and fly your flag and you see bad weather on the horizon, you should take the flag down and store it in a safe and dry place until conditions improve.

Use Official US Flags

Another big tip for decorating with US flags is to use only high-quality, official flags. Flags that are durable and resistant to fading will maintain their vibrant colors and integrity over time. Cheaply made unofficial flags from substandard materials look sloppy and will quickly degrade. Look for fortified materials like nylon and polyester that can stand up well to time. Investing in a well-made flag will help you save money in the long run by reducing the amount of times you’ll need to pay for repairs or replacements.

Follow Proper Flag Etiquette

If you want to decorate with an American flag, then you need to follow proper flag etiquette. In a classroom, this might mean standing and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, but in other spaces, proper etiquette may simply mean raising and lowering the flag in a careful and respectful way. For example, raise the flag briskly and lower it ceremoniously, reflecting the significance of the act. Additionally, you should never use the flag for other purposes, like as a drape or clothing. When you follow the proper flag etiquette like this, you help to preserve its dignity.

Orient the Flag Correctly

When you want to fly an American flag, you need to also be sure that you’re orienting the flag correctly. When hung on a wall, either horizontally or vertically, the Union (the stars) should always be at the top left corner from the observer's perspective. Displaying the flag like this is both correct and respectful. It may seem like a small detail, but it’s one that shows a deep respect for everything the flag represents.

Consider Additional Decor

Alternative decor items can add a unique touch that is both beautiful and respectful. Some great decor alternatives to consider include:

  • Wreaths
  • Buntings
  • Flag-themed decorations

Whatever you choose, whether it’s a wreath of red, white, and blue flowers or some simple banners with the Stars and Stripes, thoughtful choice can go a long way in boosting the look and feel of your event’s decorations.

Regularly Maintain and Replace Outdoor Flags

While you need to do everything you can to preserve your flag’s integrity, it will still wear down over time. You should periodically spot clean your flag, but when it starts to show signs of wear like fading and tearing, it may be time for a replacement. Inspecting, cleaning, and repairing your flag promptly will help it always look its best, but when things get to be too much, replace your flag instead of continually flying it in that state.

Follow Proper Disposal Procedures

After getting a new flag, what are you going to do with your old decorative flag? Knowing how to properly retire a flag that has served its time is crucial. Many communities offer flag disposal ceremonies. Local veterans’ organizations are a great choice because they can retire the flag respectfully and according to proper flag disposal procedures.

American Flag Don’ts

Now that we’ve covered the basic tips to follow for decorating with the American flag, you should keep in mind the practices to avoid. When you properly understand all the dos and don’ts, you can be sure that you’re decorating with the American flag appropriately. It’s a strong symbol of national unity and pride, and you should not compromise that unity and pride with improper handling and decorating.

Don’t Display a Damaged Flag

As mentioned already, if your flag is in poor condition, you should no longer fly and decorate with it. Instead, you should replace it and retire the worn flag in order to maintain its respect and dignity. Even small tears, frayed edges, or slight discoloration are disrespectful and diminish the flag’s symbolic value. Regular inspections and replacements will help ensure you decorate appropriately with the American flag.

Don’t Fly the Flag at Night Without Proper Lighting

If flying the flag after dark, you must properly illuminate it with spotlights or other lighting fixtures so that it is clearly visible. Inadequate lighting is disrespectful to the flag and breaks the rules of flag etiquette.

Don’t Hang the Flag in an Area Hindering Its Flying

A big mistake you should avoid with your flag is displaying it outside in an area where it might touch other objects. Keep proper clearance from both manmade structures and natural obstructions, such as:

  • Trees
  • Buildings
  • Power lines

Thankfully, avoiding these obstacles can be easy. Proper flagpole placement and height will help keep your flag free from these obstructions.

Don’t Attach Anything to the Flag

When decorating, never attach anything to the flag, whether it’s writing, logos, slogans, or any other kind of promotional materials or personal embellishments. Many folks see these modifications as disrespectful. Attachments or modifications like these also detract from the symbolism of the flag.

When decorating with American flags, it’s crucial to follow proper etiquette and show the utmost respect for this symbol of the nation, carefully following all the dos and don’ts described here. When you adhere to these rules, you can proudly display the flag with honor and patriotism. A big “do” is to only use high-quality flags, and here at Independence Bunting, we have all the high-quality American-made flags you could ever want or need. Whether you need an outdoor flag, festive bunting, or a special decorative flag, we have you covered!

The Dos and Don’ts of Decorating With American Flags